Sunday, February 22

Don't Change The Way You Think of Me(Avenged Sevenfold - Until The End)

That's right. I got Live in the LBC! YAY! Hah. That adds to my many band DVDs. Oh, and I got Secondhand Serenade's new one. But anyways.

I'm dedicating this post to my closest friends. I'ma write a bit about each. So, here we go.

David.- My boyfriend for a month so far. I swear I've never been happier. You were first a great friend, and then we became more, and things have just gotten better and better. I don't want things to end, and I doubt they will. I think you're amazing, inside and out. And we have so much in common, its amazing. You know things about me I'd never dream of telling anyone else, and you still love me for the way I am. I love you hon. Forever and always.

Lindsey- Omg, we've been best friends since seventh grade. And girl, we have been through it ALL. You name it, it's happened. Haha. But, the awesome thing is, we've never fought, and we're always here for one another, no matter what. We may be two completely opposite people sometimes, but we are a dynamic duo. And things may be rough right now, but I'm with you 'till the end. I love yeh girl!

Amanda- Manda, Manda, Manda, Manda Manda. Lol. Geez. We go back to like sixth grade kidd. And right now, I'm your personal cupid. I hope my 'balls' are working. AHAHAHA(inside joke). But, you're pretty much my mouth. Since I'm so shy, and I can never tell a soul off, you help me a bit. You're so outspoken, and I love that. And, we share the love for Kurt Cobain. YES! It's just no fun without you there. Love ya!

Maleesa- You were one of my first friends when I moved here in fourth grade. You know exactly what to say and when to say it, and boy, we are blondes together. Even though you're not really blonde. Haha. We have some fun times together. You da girl! Lol. Love you!

Beans (Eric)- Well, I didn't know you THAT well. But you hooked me and David up, and I love you for that. Hah. But, you were such a good bf to Lindz. She loved you dearly, we all did. You had so many friends, and you were so freaking funny. We all know you're in a better place. We love you, and we miss you.

Well. Uhmmm. I think that's my very closest ones. I may add more later. But, I love all of my friends. You guys rock my striped socks off, and always will. Haha.

R.I.P Beans.

Love y'all,

Sunday, January 25

"Keep me safe inside. Your arms like towers, tower over me." (Paramore - We Are Broken)

Been a while since I've posted buuuuttt

OMG BARAK OBAMA IS OUR PRESIDENT!!!! YAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's gunna do great things for the country, I just know it. But it may take a while since we're not doing all that good, but at least he can do it. I hope he gets some troops out soon. I want my Uncle Mike home. But he will be home next month some time. Just not sure of an actual date so YAY AGAIN!

We have a snow day tomorrow! Already! We already have like an inch of snow on the ground. I ran out in the snow, in only my Green Day t-shirt, a light jacket, jeans, and some really thin slip ons. But me and my cuz had to chase a neighbors dog for like a mile, then we gave up. But I did try to skate and I leaned too far back and tumbled off my board and bruised my thigh and cut up my hand. Not fun. Then I tried to run up the halfpipe. Again. Not fun.

Since we have a snow day, I asked my dad of ,my boyfriend could come over but he said no. It sucks, but he invited me over to his, so maybe. I dunno if my dad will let me. I've gotta watch my sister too so...I dunno. I want to see him so bad. Lol. I'm talking to him now though.We went to see Paul Blart Mall Cop last night. Oh my gosh that movie is hysterical.

Well this was another random post. I'll try to post a... meaningful one soon.
Love you guys!

Saturday, January 17

"The Lives Of The Wicked Should Be Made Brief."(Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street)

The last title would be more appropriate for this, but I watched Sweeney Todd last night and felt like using a lyric from there. But, anyways.
So this morning, I'm watching TV because my iPod died (I just charged the flipping thing yesterday...) and there's this ad on TV Guide Network about some fitness thing and this girl is telling this story about how like...I didn't hear where she was but it was probably college. But she said that there were these girls in her dorm room that made fun of her because of her weight and one day they threw rocks at her window and shouted mean things to her, so she left. Isn't that just horrible? I know, we're humans, and judging people is kind of in us, but really. Can't we have more compassion than that? I hate it when people place labels on a person or make fun of someone for some reason. I'm not saying I've never done it, but it is mean. In my gym class there's these really horrible girls that make fun of me and my friends all the time, and I just ignore it, but when one girl started in on my friend. Oh boy. I got mad. I still am, seeing as this was just yesterday. But and Amanda were talking and I realized something. And people tell me this all the time but it just now clicked; they're jealous. They are down right jealous of other people so they spend their time making fun of them. It makes sense, honestly. And I have no idea why they would be jealous of me but, that's the only thing I can think of, seeing as I haven't done a thing to them.

I just wish all the fighting and judging would stop. I'm so sick of it. I thought that I'd go to school after Christmas break and everyone would be in a good mood and shiz, but no. There was ten times MORE drama! Everywhere you turn there's drama. Someones pregnant, someone got in a fight, "Oh my God I hate that slut"....and so on. My parents keep telling me to start hanging out with people that don't have drama around them, but the funny thing is, everyone has at least a tiny bit of drama going on in their life. It's insane. I get made fun of because I'm too nice, and I'm a 'goody-good'. Then my friends get made fun of for not being a 'goody-good'. I just don't get people. It's so weird.

I dunno what else there is to say. Hopefully it's going to be a bit warmer today. Yesterday morning is was negative eleven with the wind chill, and we still went to school. We have to go outside to switch classes too. But the schools around us were out, and they get to stay inside. That's messed up right there. But I lived. I think we all did, except a few probably got a minor cold, no worries there though. I wasn't going to go, but then I was like well, I've never gotten perfect attendance and I want to, and I want to see my boyfriend soooo....I'll go.

You guys want to know what song is absolutely addicting? Under Pressure. Not the David Bowie version, the My Chemical Romance and The Used version. I'm not a big fan of the David Bowie version for some odd reason, but I've got it on repeat on my iPod. That and Hands Held High by Linkin Park. I need to look up a really good quote for my epithet. I know the little saying will be Kaitlin, Lover of Words, since I love to write, and the picture is going to be the shiz.

I'm going to take some white cardboard like stuff and fold it in half to make a book cover, then put some paper in it to make it look like a book. Then at the top of the pages where usually the book or chapter title is, I'm going to put my epithet. On the left page I'm going to put my all time favorite quote in pretty cursive, then below it I'm going to put a radio with music notes coming from it and a 'rock on' hand coming from the top. On the right I'm going to have some butterflies(for Rae Rae) and...I'm not quite sure what else. I gots ta think. Haha.

Well, I need to get off to start working. I need to figure out how the paper is going to go in the book cover. Hah.
Love you guys!
-Kaitlin <3

Friday, January 2

I Don't Blame You For Being You(Fall Out Boy - A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me)

YAYYY!!!! It's 2009! AH-MAZING!

I seriously can't believe it though. I mean, I was still writing 2007 on my school papers, but now it's freaking 2009. So weird! But, I'm so ready for the new year. I want to start fresh. I just want to be me and try not to care about it. I'm always following my besties and I want to be like them so bad because they're popular but not anymore. I don't want to stick out in the crowd. I just want to be me, and blend in with every one else. I found that I'm happier when I'm alone and not noticed.

I got a laptop for Christmas, and as of now, it won't let me log into my website, but it will on any other computer, which I find really weird. But, don't worry people, I will sneak on my old computer and work on it, since it pretty much sucks right now. I need to put on more lyrics and get new ideas on pages.

My mom sucks. She said I can't sleep late tomorrow. It's the end of break, I think I should be able to. Grrr. And Mibba won't work. That really "grinds my gears" haha. Cuz it won't do anything. It just says time out. Then I just got my new phone and I'm not allowed to use it after ten and we got it activated at like nine but I couldn't text for an hour which, guess what, was ten. And apparently my folks can tell when I use my phone, so I'm screwed if I text someone. Ugh. Haha.

Well, it's been like...AGES since I've posted and as of right now I have no idea what I want to talk about. I need to find my blog suggetions page on my old computer and move it to my laptop. I just wanted to post quickly for you guys since I haven't in so long. I'll try to post a real good one tomorrow.

Love yall,

Thursday, November 27

It's the Pain and Sex Disguised As Innocence(JamisonParker - Slow Suicide)

Ahahah. Jeff Dunham's Very Special Christmas Special = HILLARIOUS!!!!!!!
(They had Brian Haner!!!)

Buttt my topic for today is religion. It was going to be something else, but it has escaped me because I became quite ticked off about something. So, it's Thanksgiving, right, and we go to Golden Corral to eat dinner and there is this chef, that sings. He sings Christian stuff, and he is an amazing singer. Well I noticed that he wasn't singing tonight and when I asked my mom why, I 'bout died.
He wasn't allowed to sing. What other reason would there be than probably someone complained about him singing about JESUS so they banned it to make that person happy. Whoever it was you better make sure I don't find out who you are 'cuz I'll kick your butt!But really people! There's already separation of Church and State and prayer was taken out of schools and stuff. I don't mind that there is no prayer in school and separation of Church and State but come on! It's a free country and if I'm not mistaken, that's taking away his freedom of Speech and Religion! I told my friend Amanda that if I was him I'd say 'Eff this I'm leaving! But then I got to thinking, maybe he loves to cook there and stuff.
But, I'm going to start a real petition and an online petition. Sign it if you like and when I make it I will definatly post the link on here but its pretty much going to say let him sing or we're not coming back. Ahah.
Also. The separation of Church and State. There is not allowed to be any church-like things in school, am I right?Well as of right now, I'm learning about the theory of evolution. We haven't got to the "OMG WE'RE MONKIES!" thingy yet, but we're learning about the age of the Earth, and personally, I take that as a religion. It's politically incorrect to force your religion upon a person of another, so why do we have to listen to it in school?Granted, I'm intrested in what these crackpots have come up with, so I can make fun of it, but I think if you don't want to be taught it, you shouldn't have to be taught it. It's stupid that we have to have atheism forced on us. See, people will deny that it's being forced on us, but that's their secret plan. They'll make everything seem so innocent, then teach us this stuff and suck these kids in like a black hole. Tsk, tsk. Why is the world so mean?

It'll be a surprise for next time. I'll write it down so I don't forget again.Lmao.
Love you guys.

Thursday, November 20

You Wear Me Out(My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Ok(I Promise))

Okay sooo.
First things first, sorry I haven't posted lately.. I've been uber busy with school and hanging with my buds and shiz. I'll try to post more often.
Tonights topic:Liars.

There's this girl in my choir class that grates on my last nerve. Not because she isn't the brightest crayon in the box, but because she lies all the time and she complains non stop. She saw I had Avenged Sevenfold written on my shoe and was like 'Yeahh I went to X-Fest, I didn't know who they were....and I didn't really like them, but I went anyways.' OMG THAT MADE MY BLOOD BOIL!Because I told her I wanted to go badly, but my stupid 'rents wouldn't let me go, then she just goes and tell me that. Then she told me she gets a lot of things because her mom is like loaded then she tells me about how bad her like house is and stuff. Then today she asks me if I know about the Seether, Papa Roach, and Staind concert that is tomorrow. Now that's another concert I'm dying to go to, but...PARENTS SUCK. So I told her 'Yeah, I know. I can't go though.' And she goes Oh!I'm going! I was like lucky...but I'm going to the midnight premiere of Twilight so it balances out. I'll be too tired to go tomorrow anyways. Her jaw drops then she goes 'Oh, well the concert is tonight.'NO ITS NOT!IT'S FRIDAY NOVEMBER 21ST!!!!!TODAY IS THURSDAY NOVEMBER 20TH!!!!
B**CH!I hate her. She loves to rub things in my face and she complains all the time and stuff. Why can't people just be normal?!Why do people have to lie all the time and why so people think its so funny to annoy others. Now,granted,I do do that to my besties(like Noah or Lindsey who are two of my closest friends)just for the heck of it, but I hate this girl anyways. Why does she do it?
Geez. Idk this was another ranter. I just want people to be nice and think of others beside themselves for once.

Tuesday, November 11

Nothing Hurts My World, Just Affects The Ones Around Me(Avenged Sevenfold - Unholy Confessions)

Okay so I just watched this wicked cool video of Unholy Confessions by the rock Gods Avenged Sevenfold and has them performing live and I noticed something that doesn't really happen much when I watch more recent live vids from them.
Like he was like headbanging like crazy and stuff guys!It's so weird because I watch them today and he just like stands there or just like walks a little. It was amazing to see energy outta him!Now some people who may be lucky enough to have parents willing to let them go to one of their concerts may disagree with me parents are stupid and won't let me go to an A7X concert but yeahh the online videos I see, he doesn't do much. Don't get me wrong, I LURVE Synyster Gates buuuttt it was GREAT to see some outta him!It made the performance have more OMFH to it. Ahaha that was weird.
But yeah random note to start on. I'm watching Unholy Confessions from Live In LBC. I want that SO frigging bad but...PARENTS SUCK!!!
I've also all of them have grown more...almost...sophisticated...yeah bad word but it's all I can come up with at the moment. Don't get me wrong A7X is like...the band I worship(Along with MCR!)but they have changed a lot since like..they first formed. They're still amazing but they were like...really amazing then.Lmao.
Oh well this is weird.
Love you guys!
<3 Kaitlin